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What Do Recurring Dreams Signify?

Although there has been intense interest in dreams and dreaming since ancient times, no one knows for sure why we dream. It is generally accepted however that there is a relationship between the dreamer's state of mind before falling asleep and the dreams that ensue during the night. Dreams are usually very symbolic and unlocking them requires that one deciphers the meanings of the symbols and how the message relates to their waking life.


Some people experience recurring dreams. A recurring dream is one which the dreamer has on multiple occasions. It is thought that the dream recurs because the subconscious is desperately trying to get the attention of the dreamer and deliver a message about some aspect of his current life events. A recurring dream is a signal that there is something going on in the dreamer's life which needs to be dealt with. Often, recurring dreams contain common symbols such as flying or teeth falling out. We will take a look at these two examples below.

Dreams of Flying

If you experience a dream about flying, it might indicate that you have a desire to be free of, or escape from, a situation in your waking life. Until that situation is resolved in waking life, the dream of flying may turn into a recurring dream. In some instances, this can make the dream useful as it constantly prods you to realize you are feeling restricted or bound by the situation until you realize you need to take steps to change the situation. In other instances, the situation may be something beyond your control and tin that case, the flying dream may be telling you that you need to come to terms with the situation and make peace with what you cannot change.

Dreams of Loose Teeth and Teeth Falling Out

Dreaming of your teeth falling out could indicate that you feel as if you are not being seen or hear at work or in a personal relationship. This type of dream seems to be more common among shy people and can be very disturbing if it turns into a recurring dream. One way to deal with this issue and help to put an end to these dreams is to take assertiveness training or a communication enrichment program to learn how to make your voice heard.

You can see how recurring dreams can be a useful tool for personal growth in helping you to identify issues in your life that you need to deal with. If the dreams are particularly disturbing, you may want to consider consulting with a dream therapist who is experienced in interpreting dream symbols so you can discover what it is that your recurring dream is trying to reveal to you.

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